Reset your LinkedIn password – remember the password of every Browser, if the device forgets or you forget the password, you need to reset it. You can also reset the LinkedIn password. The process is quite easy.
How to Reset your LinkedIn password ?
With so many social media and other online accounts, it becomes a herculean task to remember the password of every portal. In such cases, you need to reset the password. If there is a strong password manager installed on your device, it becomes easy to manage the passwords.

But if the device forgets or you forget the password, you need to reset it. You can also reset the LinkedIn password. The process is quite easy. Just follow these steps –
1. Go to LinkedIn’s Official website.
2. Search and click on the option ‘Forget Password’. (It is located below the ‘Sign In’ option).
3. Open your mailbox. It will contain a mail from LinkedIn, directing you to click the provided link to reset the password. Click on that link. If the link doesn’t work, just copy and paste the URL into the address bar of the browser.
4. You will also receive an SMS containing the PIN required to be entered while resetting the password. (You will receive SMS only if you have used your mobile number while registering your account).
5. Enter the PIN received through email or SMS.
6. Either enter the new password instantly or check the option ‘Require all devices to Sign In with a new password’, in case you feel that your password has been compromised.
7. Enter the new password twice and then click on ‘Save Password’.
Reset LinkedIn password without primary Email Address
It is difficult resetting the account without a primary Email Address. If you have used your work email and it has got deactivated, and so is your LinkedIn account, it is difficult to reset your Linked password, but it is not impossible.
In such cases, it is desired that you fill out a special form created by LinkedIn for this purpose. There will be a link on that form. Click on it, access your form, and then submit it. You will be then required to enter an email address that you can access. Incase you have to add or change email address, its another Process.
You will then be required to attach documents related to it to prove your identity.
Reset Your LinkedIn password through its Settings
You can reset Your LinkedIn password internally also, if you have access to the login account, but want to change the password. Just follow the steps discussed below –
1. Access the profile section of LinkedIn.
2. Go to the option ‘Settings and Privacy’.
3. Click on the option ‘Sign in & security’.
4. Select the option ‘Change Password’.
5. Enter your current password, and then retype the new password twice.
6. Tick mark in front of the option ‘Require all devices to sign in with new password’.
7. Click on the ‘Save Password’ tab.
This will reset your password in the already logged-in account. You will then be required to log in using the new password.
How to add two-step verification to LinkedIn?
You can add two-step verification to LinkedIn by following these simple steps –
1. Sign In to the website of Linked In i.e.
2. Access the profile section.
3. Select ‘Manage’ from the ‘Privacy and Settings’ option.
4. Click the basics tab and then enter the phone number already registered with LinkedIn.
5. Select your country.
6. Enter your phone number.
7. Click on ‘Send code’.
8. Enter the password LinkedIn for verification.
9. Enter the code received on our mobile number.
10. Click on the ‘Verify’ tab.
11. Select the ‘Privacy’ tab.
12. Scroll down to ‘Security’.
13. Click the ‘Change’ option present in front of ‘Change next to Two-step verification’.
14. Select ‘Turn On’.
15. Enter your LinkedIn password.
16. Enter the code received on the mobile number.
17. Click on the ‘Verify’ tab.
The process is over for the two–step authentication for logging in to the LinkedIn account.
If you remember the password but have forgotten the username, you can easily recover your username by moving your cursor to the Profile section. Click on the ‘Edit Profile’ option. Click on the settings option present next to the link under the profile photo. At last, click on ‘Update your public profile settings’.
Use a fingerprint sensor instead of a password for accessing your LinkedIn account.
A strong password is long, and it contains a combination of capital letters, small letters, special characters, and numbers.