Birth Certificate Registration/ Login – How to Add Birth Registration / Birth Certificate Submission And All… Birth Certificate Registration Online
Civil Registration System (CRS) is a web-based application that is used as a common solution for Birth, Death, and Stillbirth Registration and Certificate generation over the country.
This system provides centralized data management that stores all the information recorded for Birth, Death, and Stillbirth registration. It also offers reports frequently for analysis and planning depending on data of birth, death, and stillbirth registration.
CRS also has an offline version of the application which means that the users who don’t have access to the internet can also complete the registration.
This offline version of the application works on any computer without an internet connection and the record of registration can be imported subsequently from that computer to the centralized online application.
All these records will be available with an online application across the country.

Features of CRS:
CRS ( Birth/ Death Certificate Registration ) offers robust User management depending on the user type to access and generate the data and reports. Based on the user type access is provided to the application at a different level of authorization and authentication.
Each user has a unique user ID that is provided to have secured access. Here are some of the features of the application as mentioned below.
- User Registration
- Master Data Management
- Birth Registration
- Death Registration
- Still Birth Registration
- Non Availability Certificate Issuance
- Reports Generation
How to Login to CRS Application?
The public can access the CRS application by visiting the link The application can be accessed on any internet browser and it currently resided on the NIC server. It is recommended to use the Google Chrome browser to use the application as the application is best viewed in Chrome.
You can also access the CRS application by entering in the search bar of the internet browser. Then, select the Birth and Death Software from the home page.
If you are trying to log in as Hospital, then please follow the below steps.
- Enter the user name and password
- Type the captcha code as shown in the image
- Now, tap the Login button to view the details.
On the home page, you will be able to see tabs like Home, User Management, Birth, Death, Stillbirth, Master, Reports, and Logout. The tabs Master and Reports are only accessible to higher-level officers like District Registrar, Chief Registrar, and the Registrar General.
You will also be able to find another panel Registration Summary at the right corner of the page. This panel helps to view daily registered events. The reports displayed in the table under Registration Summary depict the number of births, deaths, stillbirths, and infant deaths registered in the Registration Area in reference to the date selected for the purpose.
User Management:
The User Management tabs provide two sub-menus under it where one is for changing the password and the other is to update the profile.
Change Password:
If you want to change the password of your profile, then you should click on the Change Password link. Please follow the below steps to change your password
- Enter the user email id in the required field. Make sure to enter the email id in the correct format
- Enter the new password
- Enter the new password again to confirm the password
The password you create should contain the following combinations.
(1) At least one alphabet(AZ)
(2) At Least one numeric value (09)
(3) At Least one special character (@,#,$,%,&,*)
(4) Minimum length of 6 characters
(5) Maximum length of 17 characters
Update Profile:
To update the details of your profile, you can follow the below steps.
-Enter the user name in the required field
-Enter the user email id
-Select the Gender from the dropdown list
Department Name | Civil Registration System Birth and Death Registration |
Civil Registration System CRS Login Url | |
Topic | Birth Certificate Registration Online |
How to Check | Add Birth Certificate Details |
Birth Registration: Birth Certificate Registration, Hover your mouse pointer to the Birth link on the home page to view the sublinks. The sublinks of Birth Registration allow you to register the birth event, search for registered births, update the incomplete registration form, check status (application under submission and rejected applications).
Add Birth Registration:
Let’s get to know the process of adding birth registration to CRS.
-Tap Add birth Registration option from the sub links under Birth Registration
-Enter the details related to Birth legal information
-On the next page, you will see the statistical information that needs to be provided to the Registrar in submitting the Form-1 for registering the birth event.
-CRS application allows the users to fill the reporting form in their preferred language or the regional language of the state to which they belong. Users can find four options of reporting languages in which birth reporting can be completed.
1. English-None
2. English-Regional language
3. Regional language-English
4. Regional language-None
To simplify the ease of reporting, users can fill the form using any one combination out of the four available options above. If there is bilingual reporting, the system will auto-translate it in the secondary language as soon as the user enters data in the primary language.
If you find any discrepancy in the auto-translated text, then you can correct it by typing manually in the text box available.
-Now, enter the form number of the birth that is going to be registered (if any).
-Select the reporting date from the calendar provided.
Child Information:
Here you need to enter various details like date of birth, date of reporting, first name, middle name, and last name.
-Once you select the date of birth the application validates the date with the reporting date registered in.
-Usually, there will be three checks done on Date of birth and Date of Reporting as below. If any one of the checks is true, then the event is registered under the category Delayed.
1. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth is more than 21 days but within 30 Days.
2. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth is more than 30 days but within 1 Year.
3. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth >1 Year.
In that case, the system will notify you that the event is a delayed event and will ask for requisite documents in the statistical form based on the period of delay.
- Once the requisite documents are verified by the system, an alert will be displayed on the screen.
- You need to click OK to proceed with the registration.
- If you select Cancel, then you will need to start from the first page.
- Select the child’s gender from the drop-down list.
- Enter the first name, middle name, and last name of the child.
Father’s Information:
- Enter the first name, middle name, and last name of the child’s father.
- Enter the UID if available.
Mother’s Information:
- Enter the first name, middle name, and last name of the child’s mother.
- Enter the UID if available.
- Enter the address of the child’s birthplace (where the parents are residing at the time of birth).
You have two options to fill in the address of the parents at the time of birth of the child
- Inside India
- Outside India
Once you select the desired option in the address tab, you will see the options accordingly. If you have selected the outside India option, then the system will display a single text field where you need to enter the complete address including the pin code.
If you have selected the option Inside India, then you will see the following text fields to enter the address.
Blog No. & Name, House no., Street/Lane name, Locality/Post office, State, District, Sub-district, Village/Town, and Pin code.
If the permanent address is the same as that of the address provided at the time of birth, then you can select the check-box that is provided in the next section.
This check-box helps you to avoid entering the same address two times. Once you select the check-box the permanent address will be filled with the same information as the address of parents at the time of birth.
Place of Birth:
In this section, you will find various fields like Hospital and Informant’s information. The Hospital details will be the same as the place of birth and the name and address of the respective hospital will be displayed automatically.
Informant’s Name and Address will be same as Hospital Address which will be displayed automatically on the screen.
Once you enter the details, tap the Save button.
-This information will be shared with Birth Statistical information
-If you click on the Cancel option here, you will be redirected to the home page.
Add Birth Registration (Statistical Information):
Adding Birth Certificate information, After saving the legal information, you will be redirected to the next page where you will need to fill in the statistical information as below.
-You have to enter the details like Town/Village of Residence of mother, State, District, Sub-district, Is it a Town/Village, Name of Village/Town.
Note: If you are not aware of the Sub-district, then you can select the option ‘All Sub-district’ and the corresponding list of villages will populate all the villages of that district. You should be able to select the Sub-district easily.
If the residence of the mother is the same as that of the address of the parents at the time of birth of the child, then click on the Check-box provided. The same address will get reflected under the mother’s residence address.
Father and Mother Information:
You have to enter the personal details of the child’s parents like religion, occupation, education, age, number of children, and many more.
- Select the Religion from the drop-down provided
- Select the level of education of the child’s father from the drop-down list
- Select the occupation of the child’s father from the drop-down list
- Select the level of education of the child’s mother from the drop-down list
- Select the level of occupation of the child’s mother from the drop-down list
-Enter the age details of the child’s mother at the time of first marriage. You need to enter it in completed years.
-Enter the age details of the child’s mother at the time of this childbirth. You have to enter the age of the mother in years.
-If you enter the age that is less than the age of the mother at the time of first marriage, then the field will show an error.
-Enter the number of children alive to the mother including this child.
-Select the type of attention at the delivery from the drop-down list
-Select the type of Delivery like normal or operation from the drop-down list. This field is in line with the place of birth in the legal portion.
-Enter the weight of the baby at the time of birth in the text field provided
-Enter the duration of pregnancy in weeks in the required field
Upload Reporting Form:
You need to upload the scanned copy of the reporting form in this section.
Enter the remarks in the text field provided
Click on the Save option after entering all the required information. The control will then be transferred to the Birth submission page.
If you click on the Cancel option, you will be redirect’s to the homepage.
Birth Certificate Submission Page: Birth Certificate Submission, You will see all the details you have entered so far. Click on Submit button after reviewing the information displayed on the page. This will complete the registration process and generated a reference number.
Make a note of the reference number for future reference.
-You can also click on the Edit button if you want to modify any information required
-When you click on Submit button, you will see the Application Under Submission page.
-You will see two options in the next page
View Remarks: This option will display the remarks of the application you have submitted
Proceed/View: This option will display the birth record
How to view Birth Registration?
You can view the Birth Registrations that are completed using the option Search Birth. If a birth is registered in the database of registered births of the application, then this screen will display the details.
You have to enter some or all the desired options list on the Birth Search screen to view the results that closely match to your search criteria.
For instance, if you have entered only the date of birth, you may find multiple records matching with the same date and you might not be able to locate the one you are looking for.
So, enter a few details like registration number, birth year, gender, date of birth, name of the father, name of the mother, and name of the child.
-Tap Search after entering the details to view the list that matches with your selected details.
-You can delete the field values by clicking on the option reset
-If you click on the Registration no. link in the search list, you will be able to view the details of the registration on the next page.
-When you tap History, you can view the original and corrected records of that particular birth registration. The records will be displayed in descending order which means the latest updated records will be displayed on the top.
-On clicking on the View link option in the Corrections of History list page, you will be able to see the record details.
-The data that is changed for the first time will be displayed in Blue color and the data that is modified in the second correction will be displayed in Pink color.
Incomplete Registration Form:
If you have an incomplete registration form then it will be saved under the Incomplete Registration link.
-Click on the Continue Registration link. The Birth certificate registration page will allow you to edit the details.
Note: The correction limit for the registration form is set to 3 times only. When you cross the limit, the correction option gets disabled.
-You can click on the Delete option to delete a record
Rejected Applications:
You will find the applications of birth events that are submitted by the Hospitals after rejection by the Registrar.
Applications under Submission:
The applications of the birth events that are registered by the Hospital and the status is in progress can be viewed under this section.
-View Remarks:
This option will allow you to view the remarks of the application to which you can make changes to application.
This button will allow you to view the birth records available within the application. Birth Certificate Registration Faq’s:
Under the provision of Section 14 of the Act, a birth certificate can be obtained without
the name of the child. In those cases, you can enter the name by the concerned registration authority within 12 months without any charge. If the 12 months period exceeds you can enter the name by paying the fee.
The normal period of 21 days from the date of occurrence has been prescribed for reporting the birth, death, and still birth events.