Indian Railways HRMS Login at

Indian Railways HRMS Login portal url is | HRMS Railway Employee ESS Employee self services portal can use your Employee ID and Password to login into Portal..

Indian Railways HRMS Login

Employees of Indian Railways can now enjoy the benefit of using the Indian Railways HRMS portal. “Indian Railways HRMS” means Indian Railways Human Resources Management System. where they can view the details related to their Salary increments, Promotions, Training, Postings, Awards, Leave, Transfers, and Composition of Family as per records as well as the Nominations for retirement benefits.

With just a few simple steps you can view all these details on the portal. All you need is your PR/Employee number as IPAS ID to proceed. You can locate the IPAS ID on your salary slip.

Indian Railways HRMS Login source from
HRMS Railway Employee ESS Login

How to Login to the Indian Railways HRMS Employee Portal?

Let’s get to know the procedure and steps to log in to the “Indian Railways HRMS portal“.

You can either log in using the below link or on a mobile app by downloading the HRMS app from the Play Store.

The process is the same for both the portal and mobile app.

  1. Go to the official website URL
  2. If you are logging in for the first time, Click on Need Help for Login which is located below the Login button.
  3. On the screen, you can see the Need Help dialogue box where you should enter your IPAS ID/ HRMS ID/Mobile no.
  4. Click on Go after entering the ID or Mobile number.
  5. On the next page, you can view the complete details of your profile such as
  6. HRMS ID, Employee Name, Designation, Registered Mobile number, IPAS Employee ID, Department, Railway Unit, and Email ID.

Note: It is recommended to make a note of the HRMS ID / Login ID for future reference which can be used as a username.

If you are unable to locate the details on the HRMS portal, then contact the Personnel Branch Dealing Clerk (DC of Bill Section) who should be able to help you.

Indian Railways HRMS Login with your ID

Now, go back to the Login page and log in with indian Railways HRMS ID as the user ID.

  • The default password for any employee of Indian Railways is “Test@123”
  • After entering your Username and Password, enter the captcha code as shown in the image above
  • Click on the Login button
  • Once the details entered are successful, an OTP will be sent to the Registered Mobile number. The OTP you have received will have a validity of one week

If you have not received OTP on your mobile number, recheck the mobile number registered with Indian Railways.

and If the mobile number entered is correct, then click on the link ‘Resend OTP ‘.

that is below the button “Verify OTP”.

If you are still facing issues with receiving OTP, then we request you to call HRMS Help Desk support either using 7267910583 or 9953780947 for OTP.

After successful verification of OTP, you can log in to the HRMS portal.

You can now view all the details related to your Indian Railways HRMS profile. The first step for you to do after logging in is to reset your password.

You should reset it to a unique password from the default password so that no one can log in to your account.

You will be automatically redirected to the change password page after login.

What is Indian Railways HRMS portal ?

HRMS Railway Employee ESS Login Portal :

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