Internet Archive Wayback Machine

Internet Archive Wayback Machine Browser Extension! Is it useful or not….

Wayback Machine

Way back machine is an internet archive that reflects how the Web looked like in the past. It covers global information and allows global access except in Bahrain and China. The founders considered forming this archive to avoid losing web content after closing the website or after amending some of the information.

This archive was founded by Bruce Gilliat and Brewster Kahle as a private site on 10th May 1996 in California in San Francisco. It was launched on 24th October 2001 at the University of California where the public was given access.

By the close of the year 2009, the Wayback Machine had over thirty-eight million two hundred thousand records. The records included over seven hundred and twenty-six billion web content, and there is a daily content upload of over a million. You can download public content from this site without any restrictions.

Sherman and Mister Peabody have used the way-back machine in doing cartoon animation. The information in this machine was stored in tapes from early 1996 to 2001. The scientists and researchers would be allowed to access the database occasionally. The site introduced the way forward machine on its 25th anniversary. You can check data for up to 2046 without any restriction.

In the year 2005, the pioneers of the Wayback machine developed to allow content creators and other firms to access, download and store data.

Suppose you are interested in accessing this site, launch your browser and feed in on the search bar. This link will direct you to this archive initially written in Java.

Is the Wayback machine safe?

Yes, it is!

There are no chances of having a third party accessing your data. You may get an error resulting from the Wayback machine using the HTTP path instead of the HTTPS pathway. The error may read that the system is retrieving data from an unauthenticated place.

Ensure that you are using a browser that hinders unauthenticated content to be safe. When an error occurs ensure that you go to ctrl-shift-i on Chrome to figure out the source of that problem.

  • Go to the inspection section and click on the security tab.
  • Reload the page.
  • Go to the mixed text field.
  • Can you see a field written ‘mixed content you will see the type of the error on this page.


The Wayback machine was invented by Bruce Gilliat and Brewster Kahle in May in the year 1996. During this period the site was launched as a private entity until October 2001 when it was launched to the public.

The site has over thirty-eight million web contents that help users to access data about how the web was working earlier. You can access and download all the public content when located anywhere globally except in Bahrain and China. The founders of the Wayback machine invented the way-forward machine on the Wayback machine’s 25th anniversary. This new site allows you to access future web information up to 2046.

Do not be left behind. I encourage you to visit these two sites, explore the contents and tell a friend about them.

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